ABN Destination 2032

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    Ad van Dongen, Lisendy Frederiks, Marike Siekman, Ruben Smit, Anic van Damme, Miriam van 't Veer en Alexander de Kleermaeker


A podcastseries about the pioneers of the future. In 'Destination 2032' ABNAMRO is after inspiring experts and entrepreneurs who think from the future. As an entrepreneur how can you make sure you'll walk in the front row of tomorrow's society?

Hamburger van de toekomst

The Challenge

How can we inspire entrepreneurs to invest in opportunities that the near future will bring? ABNAMRO wanted to be seen as a thought leader in sustainability and encourager of investments in sustainable startups that have a good chance to be future winners. We started by conducting strategy sessions with the marketing team at ABNAMRO. From here we came up with our concept: "Destination 2032", with the subtitle "Trailblazers of the new world" To validate the concept we tested it in a qualitative study amongst relevant entrepreneurs.

The Results

Journalist Anic van Damme is after inspiring experts and entrepreneurs who think from the future. Welcome to 2032, where so many aspects of society have changed; what could we have done in 2021 to be on board in this new society? As an entrepreneur how can you make sure you'll walk in the front rows of tomorrow's future?

Topics like lab-grown meat, seaweed and insects form the contents of episode 1: The next hamburger. Next to food episodes discuss healthcare, cyber offices and the city as a service.

To reach the target group, being entrepreneurs and investors, ABNAMRO informed all their business clients by direct mail, social media, in-podcast advertising and banners.

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