Vermeer Exhibition

  • Product

    Audio tour, Podcast, Campaign

  • Client


  • Voice Actors

    Stephen Fry, Joy Delima

  • Website and app

    Fabrique, Q42

The most extensive Johannes Vermeer exhibition to date brings together 28 of the 37 recognized paintings by the enigmatic 17th-century Dutch master. The exhibition is a masterpiece in its own right and Big Orange was involved in several projects: Two podcast episodes in which the life and work of Vermeer is highlighted, but it also gives an insight of how the exhibition came about. Additionally, we created an audio tour specifically designed for visually impaired visitors, and an exquisite digital online experience that highlights each of Vermeer's works.

Vermeer Experience Trailer
Vermeer Exhibition

The challenge

The amount of captivating information surrounding this exhibition is truly astounding. In order to do it justice, we've worked on multiple channels to tell the intriguing stories about Vermeer and the exhibition.

The two thought-provoking podcast episodes offer a deep dive into the world of Vermeer, exploring his techniques and the behind-the-scenes process of bringing the exhibition to life.

For our visually impaired visitors, we have partnered with the renowned Vincent Bijlo to create an outstanding audio tour that includes narrated room texts and vivid audio descriptions.

In addition, the stunning digital online experience website takes a comprehensive look at each of Vermeer's works, allowing visitors to explore every detail. Join Joy Delima (Dutch version) and Stephen Fry (English version) on an epic journey that spans over an hour as they guide you through Vermeer's masterpieces.

Crafting an engaging online experience can be a challenge, but we have pulled out all the stops to ensure a seamless audio narration that allows visitors to determine the order and flow of the story. Our audio perfectly fits and layers together to create an unforgettable linear story that captivates and maintains interest from start to finish.

Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Vermeer!

The result

To ensure that every audio project related to this exhibition had a consistent feel, we carefully crafted music compositions that translated a fixed theme. The result is a captivating sound that's carried through every aspect of the exhibition, from the podcast intros to the audio tour route guidance for the visually impaired and blind. This unique sound adds an extra layer of depth to the overall experience, creating a truly immersive journey for every visitor.

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